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lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2024

Archive is down, internet on the silver tightrope

It is a catastrophic situation... the handicaps they are putting on us are increasingly brutal, from shadowbans that prevent the videos from being seen even 200 views to things like completely destroying all our links, currently they are inoperative waiting for the archive to work again.. This was seen coming, it is a very old website with terrible support... but it is the only free cloud and we are not willing to pay for it as happened to Yandex, which has also fallen... If Archive comes back soon, you know that I will upload everything there, the old links too, but I can't get around to updating the links to the old posts, there are thousands and thousands... I'm tired of this fucking modern digital schizophrenia, if i would live in the 60s, this blog would be just a musical magazine of the era and it would be better, inckuding some cassettes as gifts and promo LP's

In the digital age, access to cultural and historical archives has become more crucial than ever. Events that threaten the availability of these archives resonate deeply with those who value the preservation of our shared heritage. A recent outage of Archive.org, a prominent nonprofit digital library, calls to mind a tragic event from the 1970s: the burning of the Universal Studios music archive in California. While the contexts are vastly different, both incidents highlight profound concerns regarding cultural preservation and the fragility of our shared history. There were many copies of our website in archive, surprisingly many of you made them, it makes me very OCD because they are old articles from 2016 and the me from that time was super blue pill and there are many things to fix in those articles but hey, better to have copies even of that. There arent alternatives to archive, all we can do is to wait, i'm everyday more tired of this era, i'm not prepare for this, i'm from the time of boc and heavy metal magazine, tired of google, big tech, dealing with amazon books, bitrae compression etc.. 

see you soon
